You’ve probably seen ants marching through your kitchen searching for food at some point. You may see them creeping toward the food crumbs. Although, you may be surprised to discover them in your dishwasher. Why are they there, and what can you do about it?
Why do Ants make their Home in your Dishwasher?
Pest Control Experts in Glen Iris say although it might seem that ants are looking for food in an unusual place! But there are a few reasons why you will find them there. Your dishwasher acts as a constant supply of food. The ants can have a feast any time you place a dish or bowl in the dishwasher without giving it a thorough rinse. Furthermore, since you are unlikely to run your dishwasher every day, the mess will linger for longer.
Since a dishwasher is not fully sealed, there are several entry points. When ants have gained access to your house, it becomes an easy target for them.
Did you know that your kitchen sink attracts ants too?
When food and grease build-up, it’s the ideal feeding spot with a seemingly limitless supply of treats, much like your dishwasher. Though it may not be their first port of call in your kitchen (crumbs on the floor are easier to come by), it is definitely appealing. Ants will happily enter and take a snack. These ants then invite their whole colony to enjoy the discovered food.
How to get rid of ants from your dishwasher?
Use Ant Baits
Anywhere in your house, commercial bait can be the most powerful ant killer. The bait contains poison that attracts ants, who take it back to their nest and expose the rest of the colony. Simply position the lure just outside of your dishwasher to solve problems. Ants are social animals, so they share all they have with the rest of their colony. As a result, the ants will bring some of the “food” back to the colony and poison it. Expect a gradual eradication and wait for some time to see it fully functional.
Clean Your Dishwasher
The trick to solving the problem is not to lure the ants. You must also prevent a new colony of ants from discovering the fantastic snack spot. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions and thoroughly clean your dishwasher to ensure there is no leftover food.
Kick Ants out with the help of Professional Ant Control Solutions
Professional experts understand how aggravating it is to have pests, such as ants, invading your home. If you’re dealing with pavement ants, carpenter ants, or some other type of ant, then you must immediately call a pest control expert in Glen Iris to help you in this. Experts will easily recognize and monitor your ant problem from the very roots.